Give it a try

The Gen-Z approved guest journey


Booking Confirmation


Guest Verification


Simplified Check-in & Out


Elevate the Stay


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Booking Confirmation

Send a booking confirmation along with a link to your custom branded web-app including all the information for your guests perfect stay.


  1. Now

    Immediately send upon booking

  2. Now

    Immediately send upon booking

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Save time & automate reminders to prompt guests to go through the Guest Verification process before their arrival.

  1. Include customizable fields for additional required information.


  • Flight number
  • Arrival time
  • Preferred language
  • Contact information
  • & more
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SimplifiedCheck-in & Out

Make check-in & out at any hour frictionless with step-by-step instructions.

  1. Room & bed number, WiFi, & house rules all in one place
  2. Smart lock integration for self-check-in
  3. Digital Guides to exploring the city (save trees!)
  4. Pre-arrival upsells (towels, locks, soap. etc)
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Elevate the stay

Offer free bookings, rentals, & other purchasable add-ons throughout the stay to elevate guest experience & incrase revenue.

  1. Automate prompts for additional purchases during the stay
  2. Payments easily handled through the app
  3. Make pub crawl, tours, and social hours bookable online
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Get those5-Star Reviews

Automate prompts post-stay for offers, feedback, & reviews to the platform of your choice!

  1. Link to Hostelworld or your direct booking site
  2. Offer discount on next stay or partner locations
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Booking Confirmation


Guest Verification


Simplified Check-in & Out


Elevate the Stay


Get Feedback

Capitalize on your Vacation Rental with a digital journey that’s
uniquely yours.